Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random News

It has been an interesting month. Here are a few of the highlights. Within the last week, Brady lost both of his two front teeth. His bottom ones aren't all grown in either, so he is enjoying being able to stick his tongue through his teeth. I love the no front tooth look. : )
This was a self portrait.
This was after one tooth was gone, but the other was still hanging on.

Colby is back to swim lessons for the time being. He enjoys it- but suddenly hates to be wet. He is really good at floating on his back. In fact, when it is time to retrieve something from the bottom of the pool, he can't sink to get it. His little butt floats like a duck. It is hilarious!

A few weeks ago Brady ran into a pole at lunch recess and split his head open. Of course that was the one day every two months that Todd is out of town. I quickly found someone to cover my class and we headed to the ER. He was VERY concerned about having to get stitches. Luckily they were able to use glue. The scab finally fell off this week, and it's looking pretty good. We went from the ER to pick up Colby at daycare and then straight to swim class. We were all exhausted by the time we got home and were in bed by 8.

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