Sunday, June 15, 2008

Colby's 3rd Birthday Party

My baby is growing up. He loves Darth Vader right now. Mema makes great cakes!
These are our neighbors, Lee and Allie. Allie is a few weeks younger than Colby. Or Tolby as she calls him.
Sara and Jimmy enjoy cake and ice cream.
Colby and Allie chowing down.

Marty and baby Jackson. Jackson is just over 3 months old.
Colby and Daddy sliding.

Big arm swimming for Colby. He is getting really good. He got to take lessons by himself this time without Mom in the pool. The listening is a little tricky, but he is a great swimmer. He is in level 3 with mostly 4 and 5 year olds.

Here I come!
Rah- I'm gonna get you!
Jen and baby Jackson. This is Colby's friend Desiree. They are only a few days apart in age. Desiree gets ready to jump!

This is Colby's friend Jimmy. They are a few days apart in age. He and Colby and playing catch.
Woohoo love that slide!
I believe I can fly!
Goggle face... followed by Raccoon face!

This is Colby's friend Sara, they are 2 months apart in age. Sara enjoyed going down the slide backwards.
Desiree is practicing her floating skills.
Belly flop Colby!
Sara is having a ball!

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