Well, it's that time of year again! Easter Egg Hunting time! Woo hoo! You know the recession has truly hit when the quality of the candy in your eggs is down-graded. But it's all about the hunt, not the prize, right? Although Brady kept telling Colby, "Keep your eye on the prize." Who do you think he takes after?
So, we began our time with the traditional, "Stand by your brother and be nice" photo to commemorate the occasion.
"No bunny ears!" (Is that a peace sign?)
I was pleased to see that the times of the hunt were clearly posted. We wouldn't want anyone to miss out! First the 0-3 year olds hunted- that took forever. They kept tantruming and throwing themselves on the ground. Quite funny. Soooo glad I am not at that stage anymore.
Brady began coaching Colby on how to properly hunt.
#1 Put your head down so that you can duck under the rope when the whistle blows.
#2 Head where no one else is.
#3 When your basket is full, start filling your pockets.
(Did I mention it was about 45 degrees...) Colby and I were freezing, Brady didn't complain at all...
again, guess who he takes after...
Ok, I've got #1 covered.
Oh no, we have to go in through a gate... so much for rule #1!
This is fun! Notice rule #2 in effect- no one is around!
Here goes rule #3- basket is full- moving on to pockets!
Look at that, Colby followed directions and ran out of basket and pockets while there were still eggs on the ground. He kept trying to pile more in his basket and they kept rolling off. It was quite comical.
Finally, it was time for 7 and over. Oh my, those kids are serious! They were like a huge vacuum. They covered every square inch in about a minute. It was amazing!

So many eggs~ so many kids- BRADY FORGOT HIS OWN RULES!
Mom had to yell to go where no one else is- oh yeah!
Unfortunately, everyone eventually followed him...
Then the hard part began- opening the eggs so that they could use them again next year. Why are they so hard to open? Every year we are the last ones there opening eggs. Ugh!